产品描述:CUSABIO人胱天蛋白酶7(CASP7)酶联免疫检测试剂盒(货号:CSB-EL004552HU),采用夹心法原理实现定量分析,适用于检测血清、血浆及细胞裂解液样本中CASP7蛋白的表达水平。CASP7作为半胱天冬酶家族成员,在细胞凋亡信号传导中发挥关键作用,其活性调控与多种生理病理过程密切相关,科研领域常通过检测其表达量探索细胞程序性死亡机制及相关疾病的分子基础。试剂盒检测范围为62.5 pg/mL至4000 pg/mL,可满足不同浓度样本的检测需求,灵敏度高且操作便捷,适用于体外培养细胞模型、动物组织样本或生物体液中CASP7的定量分析。该产品可为细胞凋亡通路研究、药物作用靶点筛选或疾病模型中CASP7功能探究提供可靠的数据支持,广泛应用于生命科学基础研究、生物标志物筛选及分子机制解析等科研场景。
别名:apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase ELISA Kit; Apoptotic protease Mch-3 ELISA Kit; CASP-7 ELISA Kit; CASP7 ELISA Kit; CASP7_HUMAN ELISA Kit; Caspase-7 subunit p11 ELISA Kit; CMH-1 ELISA Kit; ICE-LAP3 ELISA Kit; ICE-like apoptotic protease 3 ELISA Kit
Uniprot No.:
种属:Homo sapiens (Human)
样本类型:serum, plasma, cell lysates
检测范围:62.5 pg/mL-4000 pg/mL
灵敏度:15.6 pg/mL
检测波长:450 nm
研究领域:Cell Biology
Intra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): CV%<8% Three samples of known concentration were tested twenty times on one plate to assess. Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): CV%<10% Three samples of known concentration were tested in twenty assays to assess. -
To assess the linearity of the assay, samples were spiked with high concentrations of human CASP7 in various matrices and diluted with the Sample Diluent to produce samples with values within the dynamic range of the assay. Sample Serum(n=4) 1:1 Average % 94 Range % 85-98 1:2 Average % 103 Range % 95-107 1:4 Average % 90 Range % 83-94 1:8 Average % 98 Range % 90-102 -
The recovery of human CASP7 spiked to levels throughout the range of the assay in various matrices was evaluated. Samples were diluted prior to assay as directed in the Sample Preparation section. Sample Type Average % Recovery Range Serum (n=5) 92 85-96 EDTA plasma (n=4) 99 91-103 -
These standard curves are provided for demonstration only. A standard curve should be generated for each set of samples assayed. pg/ml OD1 OD2 Average Corrected 4000 2.203 2.156 2.180 2.023 2000 1.377 1.433 1.405 1.248 1000 0.902 0.915 0.909 0.752 500 0.504 0.510 0.507 0.350 250 0.353 0.347 0.350 0.193 125 0.272 0.266 0.269 0.112 62.5 0.234 0.225 0.230 0.073 0 0.158 0.156 0.157 -
货期:3-5 working days
- Syringic and ascorbic acids prevent NDMA-induced pulmonary fibrogenesis, inflammation, apoptosis, and oxidative stress through the regulation of PI3K-Akt/PKB-mTOR-PTEN signaling pathway OT Somade,Metabolism open,2023
- Modulating the Siah2-PHD3-HIF1α axis and/or autophagy potentially retard colon cancer proliferation possibly, due to the damping of colon cancer stem cells S Zakaria,Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy,2022
- Preliminary evaluation of a novel nine-biomarker profile for the prediction of autism spectrum disorder El-Ansary A,PLoS One,2020
- Hair follicle stem cells regulate retinoid metabolism to maintain the self-renewal niche for melanocyte stem cells Lu Z,Elife,2020
- Metabolism-Associated Markers and Childhood Autism Rating Scales (CARS) as a Measure of Autism Severity Afaf El-Ansary.et al,Journal of Molecular Neuroscience,2018
- Novel biomarkers of metabolic dysfunction is autism spectrum disorder: potential for biological diagnostic markers Khemakhem AM.et al,Metab Brain Dis,2017
功能:Involved in the activation cascade of caspases responsible for apoptosis execution. Cleaves and activates sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs). Proteolytically cleaves poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) at a '216-Asp-|-Gly-217' bond. Overexpression promotes programmed cell death. Cleaves phospholipid scramblase proteins XKR4, XKR8 and XKR9.; Lacks enzymatic activity.
- Pyrin signaling is dispensable for Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) associated intestinal epithelial cells death and for in vivo pathogenesis; C. difficile enterotoxins induce activation of executioner caspases 3/7 via the intrinsic apoptosis pathway indicating that caspase-3/7-mediated intestinal epithelial cells apoptosis is critical for in vivo host defense during early stages of CDI. PMID: 30451870
- CASP8: rs1045494 (C > T), PIK3R1: rs3756668 (A > G) and CASP7: rs4353229 (T > C), were associated with longer overall survival in limited disease-small cell lung cancer patients after chemoradiotherapy PMID: 26988918
- Results show that caspase-7 is phosphorylated by PAK2 at S239 which inhibits its activity by two divergent mechanisms prior to and following caspase activation: initial phosphorylation allosterically slows activation by upstream initiator caspases by impeding cleavage at the intersubunit linker and a second phosphorylation site directly blocks substrate binding. PMID: 27889207
- Caspase-7 regions involved in the interaction with Hsp90 co-chaperone p23 and substrate recognition. PMID: 28863261
- Study provides evidence that a loss-of-function variant rs10553596 in CASP7 associates with significantly reduced Alzheimer's disease incidence in elder populations. PMID: 27358062
- Low expression of CASP7 is associated with non-small cell lung cancer. PMID: 26307684
- Compared with the TT genotype, the rs10787498GT genotype was associated with an increased cervical cancer risk. PMID: 25784056
- Phosphorylate caspase-7 bu Src at multiple tyrosine sites enhanced its cellular apoptotic effect. PMID: 24407236
- Potentially functional polymorphisms in the CASP7 gene contribute to gastric adenocarcinoma susceptibility in an eastern Chinese population. PMID: 24040159
- showed that CASP7 is downregulated in primary prostate tumors and metastatic lesions across multiple data sets PMID: 22986525
- Genetic variations of CASP7 may modulate overall survival and progress-free survival of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with platinum-based chemotherapy. PMID: 22441531
- genetic polynorphism is associated with the risk of childhood leukemia PMID: 22548721
- XIAP does not function as a NEDD8-E3 ligase for caspase-7 in vivo PMID: 22584050
- Cellular expression of caspase-7 lacking the critical lysine residues resulted in less-efficient PARP and p23 cleavage compared with cells expressing the wild-type peptidase. PMID: 22451931
- identify serine 118 in the transactivation domain of YY1 as the site of CK2alpha phosphorylation, proximal to a caspase 7 cleavage site PMID: 22184066
- Caspase-7 cleaves human TERT at residues E286 and D628 as part of the apoptosis pathway in cultured cells. PMID: 21936563
- highly expressed PAK2 mediates chemotherapeutic resistance in human breast invasive ductal carcinoma by negatively regulating caspase-7 activity PMID: 21555521
- The RIPK1 and CASP7 polymorphisms can be considered as possible prognostic markers for survival after curative resection in patients with colorectal cancer. PMID: 20567846
- Caspase-8 and caspase-7 sequentially mediate proteolytic activation of acid sphingomyelinase in TNF-R1 receptosomes. PMID: 21157428
- Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in CASP7 is asspciated with lung cancer. PMID: 20661084
- caspase 7 cleavage of ORF57 may represent a cellular function against lytic KSHV infection PMID: 20159985
- Specifically interfering with caspase-7 activation may hold therapeutic value for the treatment of cancer and inflammatory ailments. PMID: 19782763
- Pro-CASP7 was detected in mitochondria, cytosol, nucleus, and microsomes of U937 cells. During TPA-induced differentiation, it moved to the mitochondria. PMID: 12145703
- caspase 9 by itself can activate caspase 7 in the absence of the caspase 3-dependent pathway in TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis PMID: 12804035
- the N-peptide of caspase 7 serves to physically sequester the caspase-7 zymogen in a cytosolic location that prevents access by upstream activators PMID: 12824163
- our data suggest that the inactivating mutations of the CASPASE-7 gene might lead to the loss of its apoptotic function and contribute to the pathogenesis of some human solid cancers PMID: 12970753
- caspase-7 is involved earlier than other effector caspases in apoptosis PMID: 14583630
- cleavage of Claspin by caspase-7 inactivates the Chk1 signaling pathway PMID: 16123041
- Caspase 7 activation is a prominent feature in periodontitis-associated tissue injury. PMID: 16213496
- Promoters of CASP7 genes are modulated by prohibitin. PMID: 16918502
- AIF overexpression specifically resulted in the activation of caspase-7, thereby amplifying the inhibition of protein synthesis including eIF3g cleavage. PMID: 17094969
- observation indicates that neither CASP7 nor CASP8 mutation may occur in gastrointestinal lymphomas, and suggests that neither of them may play an important role in the development of gastrointestinal lymphomas PMID: 17532763
- crystal structures show that the S2 pocket of caspase-7 can accommodate diverse residues PMID: 17697120
- A reticulon protein is identified as one out of a selected number of caspase targets during apoptosis and as a novel substrate for Cdk1 and 2.[ PMID: 18072206
- These results revealed that caspase-7 has a novel role during cell cycle progression at mitosis. PMID: 18459962
- Valosin-containing protein was cleaved by both capspase-7 and caspase-3 in vitro and during apoptosis; degradomic approach to caspase-7 provides new candidate substrates and valuable clues to the specific function of caspase-7 in apoptosis PMID: 18596415
- CASP7 (caspase 7) rs2227309 SNP was not associated with rheuatoid arthritis (RA) in a European Caucasian population. CASP7 isoforms alpha and beta could have an involvement in the apoptosis process in RA PMID: 18785314
- Modulation of effector caspase-7 cleavage determines response of breast and lung tumor cell lines to chemotherapy. PMID: 19241192
- Results show that caspase 7, as an SREBP-1/2 target, can be induced under mevalonate-restricting conditions, which might help overcome its shortage. PMID: 19323650
- These findings suggest that genetic variants in caspase-3 and caspase-7 may play a role in endometrial cancer susceptibility. PMID: 19531679
- Dissecting an allosteric switch in caspase-7 using chemical and mutational probes. PMID: 19581639
- there is an an association between HCV core and HAX-1, which promotes 5-FU mediated p53-dependent caspase-7 activation and hepatocyte growth inhibition PMID: 19605487
蛋白家族:Peptidase C14A family
组织特异性:Highly expressed in lung, skeletal muscle, liver, kidney, spleen and heart, and moderately in testis. No expression in the brain.