Human Interleukin 22(IL-22) ELISA KIT
产品描述:CUSABIO人白介素22(IL-22)酶联免疫检测试剂盒(货号:CSB-E13418h-IS),采用双抗体夹心法定量检测血清、血浆、组织匀浆及细胞培养上清样本中IL-22的含量,覆盖3.9 pg/mL至250 pg/mL的线性检测范围。IL-22作为白介素家族成员,在黏膜免疫防御、组织修复及炎症反应中发挥重要作用,其动态变化与感染性疾病、自身免疫疾病及肿瘤微环境调控等研究密切相关。该试剂盒通过高特异性的抗体配对实现精准检测,适用于体外研究IL-22在炎症机制、细胞因子网络调控或药物干预实验中的表达水平变化,最低检测限达3.9 pg/mL,可满足低丰度样本的检测需求。试剂盒操作流程标准化,兼容常规实验室设备,支持科研人员在基础研究或生物制剂开发中定量分析IL-22的动态变化,例如评估免疫细胞功能、验证基因编辑模型或筛选抗炎化合物作用效果,为免疫相关疾病机制探索提供可靠工具。
别名:Cytokine Zcyto18 ELISA Kit; IL 10 related T cell derived inducible factor ELISA Kit; IL 21 ELISA Kit; IL 22 ELISA Kit; IL D110 ELISA Kit; IL TIF ELISA Kit; IL-10-related T-cell-derived-inducible factor ELISA Kit; IL-22 ELISA Kit; IL-TIF ELISA Kit; IL21 ELISA Kit; Il22 ELISA Kit; IL22_HUMAN ELISA Kit; ILD110 ELISA Kit; ILTIF ELISA Kit; Interleukin 10 related T cell derived inducible factor ELISA Kit; interleukin 21 ELISA Kit; Interleukin 22 ELISA Kit; Interleukin-22 ELISA Kit; MGC79382 ELISA Kit; MGC79384 ELISA Kit; TIFa ELISA Kit; TIFIL 23 ELISA Kit; TIFIL23 ELISA Kit; UNQ3099/PRO10096 ELISA Kit; zcyto18 ELISA Kit
Uniprot No.:
种属:Homo sapiens (Human)
样本类型:serum, plasma, tissue homogenates, cell culture supernates
检测范围:3.9 pg/mL-250 pg/mL
灵敏度:0.98 pg/mL
检测波长:450 nm
Intra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): CV%<8%
Three samples of known concentration were tested twenty times on one plate to assess.
Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): CV%<10%
Three samples of known concentration were tested in twenty assays to assess.
To assess the linearity of the assay, samples were spiked with high concentrations of human IL-22 in various matrices and diluted with the Sample Diluent to produce samples with values within the dynamic range of the assay.
Average %
Range %
Average %
Range %
Average %
Range %
Average %
Range %
The recovery of human IL-22 spiked to levels throughout the range of the assay in various matrices was evaluated. Samples were diluted prior to assay as directed in the Sample Preparation section.
Sample Type
Average % Recovery
Serum (n=5)
EDTA plasma (n=4)
These standard curves are provided for demonstration only. A standard curve should be generated for each set of samples assayed.
货期:3-5 working days
功能:Cytokine that contributes to the inflammatory response in vivo.
- these findings show that CD147 is a novel and key mediator of IL-22-induced psoriatic alterations in the epidermis and might be a therapeutic target in patients with psoriasis. PMID: 28272440
- we have shown that variants of the IL22 gene may play an important role in the pathogenesis of CM and that these variants of IL22 are associated with an aggravation of malaria. The rs2227473 risk allele for CM, the T allele, is associated with higher levels of IL-22 production, suggesting that IL-22 contributes to CM. PMID: 28139719
- This study highlights a mechanism through which the IL-22 pathway facilitates the human intestinal epithelium to control microbial infection. PMID: 30217896
- rs1179251 polymorphism may be a risk factor for cancer [meta-analysis] PMID: 29761647
- the expression of miR-548a-3p is upregulated in IL-22 mediated keratinocyte proliferative disorder like psoriasis. PMID: 29181737
- IL-22 is involved in A549 cell resistance to paclitaxel through regulating cell apoptosis via the JNK signaling pathway. PMID: 29723165
- we summarize the current knowledge on the roles of IL-22 in the various pancreatic pathogenesis, providing insights into the underlying cellular and signaling mechanisms--{REVIEW} PMID: 29502986
- IL22 is upregulated by atorvastatin, losartan and captopril and its polymorphism may have a role in hypertension and coronary artery disease PMID: 29981321
- Increased IL-22 urinary level was not associated with candida urinary tract infection. PMID: 29421775
- The level of lncRNA H19 is increased in inflamed intestinal tissues from mice and patients. The inflammatory cytokine IL22 induces expression of H19 in IECs, which is required for intestinal epithelial proliferation and mucosal healing. H19 lncRNA appears to inhibit p53 protein and microRNA 34a and let-7 to promote proliferation of IECs and epithelial regeneration. PMID: 29621481
- hidradenitis suppurativa keratinocytes exhibited lower amounts of IL-22 PMID: 28972431
- Study shows that in Chinese subjects, the plasma concentration of interleukin-22 (IL-22) is profoundly associated with susceptibility to impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and type 2 diabetes, and decreased plasma IL-22 level is a potential trigger of IFG and type 2 diabetes. PMID: 28170163
- effect of IL-22 on Intestinal Epithelial Cells responses may not be in inducing CXCL8 by itself, but in enhancing TNF-alpha- and IL-1-induced CXCL8 secretion to augment the contribution of IECs to local inflammatory responses. PMID: 28656529
- Despite the presence of all Notch pathway molecules in the kidney and a model-specific induction of Notch ligands, IL-22 was only up-regulated in acute inflammation, but rapidly down-regulated during regeneration. This implies that for targeting injury responses, e.g. via IL-22, species-specific differences, injury type and time points have to be considered. PMID: 29054964
- Suggest that IL-22 has various roles in tuberculosis immune responses. In particular, membrane-bound IL-22+ T cells may play important roles in the human immune response to Mycobacterium. PMID: 29050778
- this study shows immunoregulatory function of lacrimal glands -derived IL-22 in inhibiting IL-17-mediated ocular surface epitheliopathy in dry eye disease PMID: 28051088
- Serum IL-9 and IL-22 are associated with eosinophilia in cow's milk allergy, and decrease in these two cytokines with occurs with cow's milk elimination. PMID: 28934137
- Tracheal aspirates of patients infected by P. aeruginosa contain protease IV activity which further results in IL-22 degradation. This so far undescribed cleavage of IL-22 by a bacterial protease is likely to be an immune-evasion strategy that contributes to P. aeruginosa-triggered respiratory infections PMID: 27792459
- this study shows that copy number variations of the IL-22 gene are associated with ankylosing spondylitis in Chinese Han population PMID: 28716697
- IL-22 contributed to the inhibition of pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells apoptosis mediated by AngII through activating the JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway. PMID: 28827891
- Findings provide a new perspective on the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-22 in promoting aerobic glycolysis associated with tumor progression in human colon cancer cells. PMID: 28445985
- finding demonstrated that IL-22 could exert favorable effects on Diabetic nephropathy (DN) via simultaneously alleviating systemic metabolic syndrome and downregulating renal NLRP3/caspase-1/IL-1beta pathway, suggesting that IL-22 might have therapeutic potential for the treatment of DN. PMID: 28726774
- Our findings suggested that the IL-22 -429C/T gene polymorphisms might be associated with colon cancer. PMID: 28624523
- Authors found that SOCS3 and SOCS1 expression was reduced in vivo, in tumor lesions of BCC and SCC, as compared to other skin inflammatory conditions such as psoriasis, despite the high number of IL-22-secreting TILs. PMID: 28445952
- miR-330 inhibits IL-22-induced proliferation of HaCaT and HKC cell by targeting CTNNB1. PMID: 28501007
- IL-22 protects against sodium nitroprusside-induced apoptosis in rheumatoid arthritis-fibroblast-like synoviocytes by activating the STAT3 pathway and the downstream target gene, Bcl-2. PMID: 27493089
- IL22 plays a critical role in maintaining barrier homeostasis against intestinal pathogens and commensal bacteria, and, as a member of the IL10 superfamily, is critically involved in inflammation [Review] PMID: 29037907
- TARC production in HaCaT keratinocytes through the interaction between IL-22 and IL-22Ralpha facilitates T-cell migration in atopic dermatitis caused by house dust mites. PMID: 26914146
- IL-22 was found to be higher in PP than in PPMS (p<0.05). PMID: 27344023
- IL-22 is increased in patients with GCA and affects viability and gene expression of arterial cells, supporting a potential role in disease pathogenesis. PMID: 28968695
- suggest that the human IL-22BP isoforms have distinct spatial and temporal roles and coordinately fine-tune IL-22-dependent STAT3 responses in tissues as a type of rheostat. PMID: 27678220
- IL-18 cooperates with IL-15 to promote group 3 innate lymphoid cell (ILC3) proliferation and IL-22 production; describe an IL-18-induced, NF-kappaB-mediated mechanism that regulates IL-22 in ILC3s; at steady-state, IL-18 produced by dendritic cells mediates IL-22 production by ILC3s to help maintain normal tissue integrity PMID: 28842466
- results reveal that IL-22 increases intestinal epithelial permeability by upregulating Claudin-2 expression through the JAK/STAT pathway PMID: 28939759
- High serum levels of IL-22 were positively rather than inversely associated with several cardiometabolic risk factors. However, these associations did not translate into an increased risk for type 2 diabetes. PMID: 28143481
- mucosal-associated invariant T cells in the genital mucosa have a distinct IL-17/IL-22 profile and may have an important role in the immunological homeostasis and control of microbes at this site PMID: 27049062
- Results show that disease lavage IL-22 concentrations are highest in patients with pneumonia and lung cancer and does not significantly correlate with systemic inflammation. PMID: 27388918
- increased expression of IL-22Ralpha therefore promotes keratinocyte proliferation and pro-inflammatory cytokine production during UVB-induced skin inflammation, suggesting that UVB facilitates skin inflammation by increasing the responsiveness of keratinocytes to IL-22 PMID: 28558005
- In conclusion, Notch siganling appears to be an important mediator of the liver inflammation by modulating hepatic IL-22-secreting NKp46(+) innate lymphoid cells. PMID: 27800305
- High levels of IL-22 is associated with lyme disease. PMID: 27101991
- IL-23 released by keratinocytes in response to endogenous TLR4 ligands causes skin DCs, which selectively express IL-23R, to up-regulate their endogenous IL-23 production and drive an IL-22 response in naive CD4(+) T cells that mediates epidermal thickening. PMID: 27551155
- patients with T2DM and CAD exhibit increased serum IL-22 levels. Elevated serum IL-22 is associated with the incidence of CAD and T2DM. However, further in vitro study established the protective role of IL-22 against endothelial dysfunction, an essential process involved in the early development of atherosclerosis and vascular complications in T2DM. IL-22 might exert different functions under different context. PMID: 27829708
- plasma levels highly elevated after major liver resection PMID: 26853442
- IL-22 and its receptor have a crucial role in the development and pathogenesis of uveitis by facilitating inflammatory cell infiltration. PMID: 27166675
- there was no association between IL-22 SNPs (rs2227485, rs2272478, rs2227491) and the development of ulcerative colitis in a Mexican population PMID: 26994530
- The mutual benefit gained from interactions between the host and commensal intestinal bacteria-derived factors is an expanding field of research beginning to affect clinical practice. Data presented herein propose a supportive and fine-tuning role for butyrate in IL-22 signaling that might be therapeutically exploited by local butyrate administration PMID: 27801948
- this paper shows that human gammadelta T cell-antigen-presenting cells stimulate CD4+ T cell responses distinct from those induced by myeloid antigen-presenting cells to promote local barrier defense via mucosal release of IL-22 and calprotectin PMID: 28330898
- There was a significant direct correlation between levels of IL-10 and IL-22 in patients group (p=0.0005). The clinical severity of psoriasis was significantly correlated with high levels of IL-22 (p<0.0001). PMID: 27999243
- The levels of IL-22 mRNA in middle ear effusion of otitis media with effusion patients was higher in those with sinusitis than without. IL-22 expression was significantly higher in mucoid and purulent middle ear fluid samples than in serous fluid samples. PMID: 27729129
- IL-22 plays pathological roles in the development of recurrent hepatitis C after liver transplantation. PMID: 27123854
- The results suggest that IL-22 production in blood might act as a pathogenic factor in HIV infection. PMID: 25556046
蛋白家族:IL-10 family