产品描述:CUSABIO人可溶性CD100(sCD100)酶联免疫检测试剂盒(货号:CSB-E15792h),采用双抗体夹心法定量检测血清、血浆及组织匀浆样本中sCD100的浓度。sCD100是跨膜蛋白SEMA4D的可溶性形式,作为免疫调节分子参与T细胞活化、血管生成等生理过程,其表达水平变化与自身免疫性疾病、肿瘤微环境调控等研究领域密切相关。试剂盒检测灵敏度为125 pg/mL,线性范围为125-8000 pg/mL,通过预包被特异性抗体实现精准捕获,结合HRP标记检测抗体形成复合物进行显色分析,适用于体外定量检测多种生物样本中的目标蛋白。科研人员可利用该试剂盒探索sCD100在炎症反应、肿瘤免疫逃逸、神经轴突导向等机制中的生物学功能,或通过检测疾病模型动物/细胞培养上清中的sCD100水平,为免疫调节相关的基础研究提供可靠数据支持。试剂盒配套提供标准品、检测抗体及优化缓冲体系,确保实验稳定性和重复性。
别名:A8 ELISA Kit; BB 18 ELISA Kit; BB18 ELISA Kit; CD 100 ELISA Kit; CD100 ELISA Kit; CD100 antigen ELISA Kit; Coll 4 ELISA Kit; COLL4 ELISA Kit; Collapsin 4 ELISA Kit; Collapsin4 ELISA Kit; GR3 ELISA Kit; Leukocyte activation antigen CD100 ELISA Kit; M sema G ELISA Kit; MSEMA ELISA Kit; SEM4D_HUMAN ELISA Kit; Sema 4d ELISA Kit; Sema domain immunoglobulin domain Ig transmembrane domain TM and short cytoplasmic domain semaphorin 4D ELISA Kit; Sema H ELISA Kit; SEMA J ELISA Kit; Sema4d ELISA Kit; Semacl 2 ELISA Kit; Semacl2 ELISA Kit; SemaH ELISA Kit; SEMAJ ELISA Kit; Semaphorin 4D ELISA Kit; Semaphorin C like 2 ELISA Kit; Semaphorin H ELISA Kit; Semaphorin J ELISA Kit; Semaphorin-4D ELISA Kit; Semaphorin4D ELISA Kit; SemaphorinJ ELISA Kit; Semcl 2 ELISA Kit; Semcl2 ELISA Kit
Uniprot No.:
种属:Homo sapiens (Human)
样本类型:serum, plasma, tissue homogenates
检测范围:125 pg/mL-8000 pg/mL
灵敏度:31.25 pg/mL
检测波长:450 nm
Intra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): CV%<8% Three samples of known concentration were tested twenty times on one plate to assess. Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): CV%<10% Three samples of known concentration were tested in twenty assays to assess. -
To assess the linearity of the assay, samples were spiked with high concentrations of human sCD100 in various matrices and diluted with the Sample Diluent to produce samples with values within the dynamic range of the assay. Sample Serum(n=4) 1:1 Average % 95 Range % 89-102 1:2 Average % 93 Range % 87-100 1:4 Average % 94 Range % 88-102 1:8 Average % 92 Range % 84-97 -
The recovery of human sCD100 spiked to levels throughout the range of the assay in various matrices was evaluated. Samples were diluted prior to assay as directed in the Sample Preparation section. Sample Type Average % Recovery Range Serum (n=5) 99 95-106 EDTA plasma (n=4) 92 88-96 -
These standard curves are provided for demonstration only. A standard curve should be generated for each set of samples assayed. pg/ml OD1 OD2 Average Corrected 8000 1.850 1.835 1.843 1.755 4000 1.342 1.365 1.354 1.266 2000 0.834 0.900 0.867 0.779 1000 0.557 0.548 0.553 0.465 500 0.325 0.345 0.335 0.247 250 0.253 0.265 0.259 0.171 125 0.146 0.156 0.151 0.063 0 0.087 0.088 0.088 -
货期:3-5 working days
- CD100 modulates cytotoxicity of CD8+ T cells in patients with acute myocardial infarction Y Li,BMC immunology,2021
- Insufficient CD100 shedding contributes to suppression of CD8+ T cell activity in non┸\small cell lung cancer HM Wang,Immunology,2020
功能:Cell surface receptor for PLXNB1 and PLXNB2 that plays an important role in cell-cell signaling. Regulates GABAergic synapse development. Promotes the development of inhibitory synapses in a PLXNB1-dependent manner. Modulates the complexity and arborization of developing neurites in hippocampal neurons by activating PLXNB1 and interaction with PLXNB1 mediates activation of RHOA. Promotes the migration of cerebellar granule cells. Plays a role in the immune system; induces B-cells to aggregate and improves their viability (in vitro). Induces endothelial cell migration through the activation of PTK2B/PYK2, SRC, and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-AKT pathway.
- Combined detection of tumor-associated macrophages markers, CD68 and Sema4D, in gastric carcinoma tissue shows potential to predict the trend of gastric carcinoma progression. PMID: 29434448
- SEMA4D coordinates with VEGF during angiogenesis via plexin-B1 in epithelial ovarian cancer. PMID: 29308068
- knockdown of Sema4D in Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs)cells inhibited tumor growth and decreased the number of osteoclasts in a mouse xenograft model. Taken together, IGF-I-driven production of Sema4D in HNSCCs promotes osteoclastogenesis and bone invasion. PMID: 28656278
- The results obtained make significant adjustments in understanding of Seam4D effects in lymphoid cells. PMID: 28508207
- describe the transfection, purification, and visualization of Fc-tagged SEMA4D (semaphorin 4D) recombinant protein PMID: 27787840
- describe the application of in vitro migration and tubulogenesis assays and the directed in vivo angiogenesis assay (DIVAA) in the measurement of the angiogenic potential of cell-derived and soluble SEMA4D PMID: 27787869
- The positive expression of both Sema4D and PlexinB1 was found to be an independent risk factor for a worse survival in colorectal cancer. PMID: 27456345
- Serum levels of soluble SEMA4D were elevated in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis. Cell-surface expression of SEMA4D was downregulated, a consequence of proteolytic cleavage of membrane SEMA4D. Soluble SEMA4D exerted pro-inflammatory effects on endothelial cells. Membranous SEMA4D on neutrophils bound to plexin B2 on endothelial cells, and this interaction decreased NET formation. PMID: 28416516
- We identified a novel genome-wide significant African-specific locus for BMI (SEMA4D, rs80068415). A novel variant in SEMA4D was significantly associated with body mass index. Carriers of the C allele were 4.6 BMI units heavier than carriers of the T allele. PMID: 28296344
- A critical pathogenic engagement of Semaphorin 4D produced by gamma delta T cells in the development of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw PMID: 27720716
- Our results identified FGL2, GAL, SEMA4D, SEMA7A, and IDO1 as new candidate genes that could be involved in MSCs-mediated immunomodulation. FGL2, GAL, SEMA4D, SEMA7A, and IDO1 genes appeared to be differentially transcribed in the different MSC populations. Moreover, these genes were not similarly modulated following MSCs-exposure to inflammatory signals PMID: 28336906
- Interferon-alpha-induced CD100 expression on naive CD8(+) T cells enhances antiviral responses to hepatitis C infection through CD72 signal transduction. PMID: 28222623
- In this review, we summarized the current findings on neuroimmune Sema4A and Sema4D molecules in chronic inflammation underlying many diseases and discussed their positive or negative impacts on the implicated molecular and cellular processes PMID: 27554682
- we have identified a novel reverse signaling pathway acting through Tiam1 and Rac that promotes aggressive behavior in OSCC expressing S4D and PB1. PMID: 28038319
- sema 4D was the direct target of miR-214 and was negatively regulated by miR-214 in ovarian cancer cells PMID: 26718213
- Tax and semaphorin 4D released from lymphocytes infected with human lymphotropic virus type 1 and inhibit neurite growth in a neuron cell line. PMID: 26389656
- This assay specifically and reproducibly measured cSEMA4D saturation and expression levels. Evaluation of the SEMA4D-specific PD markers were critical in determining the clinical saturation threshold of cSEMA4D by VX15/2503 PMID: 26566052
- Serum sSema4D levels are increased in patients with atrial fibrillation and are independently associated with atrial remodeling PMID: 26417899
- Semaphorin 4D Promotes Skeletal Metastasis in Breast Cancer. PMID: 26910109
- this study describes a novel immunosuppressive role for Sema4D in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma through induction of myeloid derived suppressor cells PMID: 26740106
- Plexin-B1 induces cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma cell proliferation, migration, and invasion by interacting with Sema4D. Plexin-B1 might serve as a useful biomarker and/or as a novel therapeutic target for cSCC. PMID: 26051877
- Results show that decreased expression of Sema4D, plexin-B1 and -B2 was associated with local recurrence and poor prognosis of breast neoplasm. PMID: 26035216
- Blocking of CD100, plexin B1 and/or B2 in adhesion experiments have shown that both CD100 and plexins act as adhesion molecules involved in monocyte-endothelial cell binding. PMID: 26275342
- Suggest that HIF-1alpha and Sema4D expression correlates with histological tumor type, TNM stage, and lymphatic metastasis in colorectal carcinoma. PMID: 25717256
- A positive feedback loop involving sSema4D/IL-6 and TNFalpha/ADAMTS-4 may contribute to the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. PMID: 25707877
- Sema4D contributes to enhanced invasion and tumor progression through increased motility of cervical cancer and VEGF-C/-D-mediated lymphangiogenesis. PMID: 24603190
- SEMA4D might possibly serve as a reliable tool for early and accurate prediction of EOC poor prognosis. PMID: 24289594
- results suggest that the contribution of Sema4D in platelets applies to ITAM-containing receptors as a class PMID: 24131822
- Sema4D could play an important role in promoting tumor proliferation, migration and metastasis in the NSCLC, by influencing the Akt protein phosphorylation. Inhibition of Sema4D may be a useful approach for the treatment of NSCLC. PMID: 25135716
- Data suggest that CD100 seems to be involved in hepatitis C virus (HCV) clearance by natural killer (NK) cells. PMID: 25108441
- The Semaphorin 4D-Plexin-B1-RhoA signaling axis recruits pericytes and regulates vascular permeability through endothelial production of PDGF-B and ANGPTL4. PMID: 24114199
- Elevated plasma soluble Sema4D/CD100 levels are associated with disease severity in patients of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. PMID: 24040126
- CD100 may have a role in atherosclerotic plaque development, and may possibly be employed in targeted treatments of these atheromas. PMID: 24098722
- There was an increased level of plasma soluble Sema4 in the Sema4D(high) population of T-cells suggesting a potential role of these T-cells in heart failure. PMID: 23741311
- The membrane-proximal cytoplasmic domain of Sema4D contains a binding site for calmodulin within the polybasic region Arg762-Lys779, that regulates Sema4D exodomain shedding in platelets. PMID: 23564909
- copy number loss of the Sema4D gene region may play a role in the etiology of acetabular dysplasia PMID: 23335257
- Lycorine hydrochloride suppressed the expression of several key angiogenic genes, including VE-cadherin and Sema4D, and reduced Akt phosphorylation in Hey1B cells. PMID: 23376478
- CD72 mRNA expression level correlates with Sema4D expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in immune thrombocytopenia. PMID: 22111667
- CD100 protein levels were highly dysregulated around 10 weeks of gestation in first and second miscarriage placentas. The CD100 soluble form was produced and immediately shed from placental tissue in all samples. PMID: 22606231
- The expression of semaphorin 4D (SEMA4D), which is under the control of the HIF-family of transcription factors, cooperates with VEGF to promote tumor growth and vascularity in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). PMID: 22652457
- Sema4D, the ligand for Plexin B1, suppresses c-Met activation and migration and promotes melanocyte survival and growth. PMID: 22189792
- Sema4D potentiates the invasiveness of pancreatic cancer cells. The binding of Sema4D to plexinB1 induced small GTPase Ras homolog gene family, member A activation and resulted in the phosphorylation of MAPK and Akt. PMID: 21812859
- From the data obtained in this study, SEMA4D may have a role in more aggressive and potentially metastatic breast tumours. PMID: 21925246
- Rho-mediated activation of PI(4)P5K and lipid second messengers is necessary for promotion of angiogenesis by Semaphorin 4D. PMID: 21538148
- dysregulations in CD100 expression and release could play a role in SSc development and/or maintenance. PMID: 21244334
- crystal structures of cognate complexes of the semaphorin-binding regions of plexins B1 and A2 with semaphorin ectodomains (human PLXNB1(1-2)-SEMA4D(ecto) and murine PlxnA2(1-4)-Sema6A(ecto)), plus unliganded structures of PlxnA2(1-4) and Sema6A(ecto) PMID: 20877282
- CD100-CD72 interaction can be the mechanism by which NK cell communicate with B cells. PMID: 17786190
- Leukemic & normal CD5+ B cells express CD100; upon interaction between CD100 & Plexin-B1, both increase their proliferative activity & life span. CD100/Plexin-B1 crosstalk is not malignancy related but reproduces a mechanism used by normal CD5+ B cells. PMID: 12406905
- Soluble CD100 induces a progressive decrease in process extension of oligodendrocytes, followed by their death and the death of multipotent neural precursors. PMID: 14707103
- up-modulation of the survival receptor CD100 is restricted to proliferating B-cell leukemia cells PMID: 15613544
亚细胞定位:Cell membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein.
蛋白家族:Semaphorin family
组织特异性:Strongly expressed in skeletal muscle, peripheral blood lymphocytes, spleen, and thymus and also expressed at lower levels in testes, brain, kidney, small intestine, prostate, heart, placenta, lung and pancreas, but not in colon and liver.