产品描述:CUSABIO小鼠血管紧张素转化酶(ACE)酶联免疫检测试剂盒(货号:CSB-E04492m),采用双抗体夹心法原理实现定量检测。ACE作为肾素-血管紧张素系统的关键酶,通过催化血管紧张素I转化为血管紧张素II,在血压调节、电解质平衡及心血管功能中发挥重要作用,是高血压、肺纤维化等病理机制研究的重点靶标。试剂盒可检测血清、血浆及组织匀浆样本中的ACE蛋白浓度,线性检测范围为1.56 ng/mL至100 ng/mL,适用于体外定量分析实验。该试剂盒配套标准品、预包被板及检测所需试剂,可满足科研场景中多种实验需求,例如评估高血压模型小鼠的循环系统ACE水平变化、研究药物干预对组织ACE表达的影响,或通过不同体液/组织样本的横向对比揭示ACE的分布特征。产品经过严格的质控验证,确保批次间稳定性,为心血管疾病机制研究、药效学评价及分子调控网络分析提供可靠工具。
别名:Ace ELISA kit; Dcp1Angiotensin-converting enzyme ELISA kit; ACE ELISA kit; EC 3.2.1.- ELISA kit; EC ELISA kit; Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase I ELISA kit; Kininase II ELISA kit; CD antigen CD143) [Cleaved into: Angiotensin-converting enzyme ELISA kit; soluble form] ELISA kit
Uniprot No.:
种属:Mus musculus (Mouse)
样本类型:serum, plasma, tissue homogenates
检测范围:1.56 ng/mL-100 ng/mL
灵敏度:0.39 ng/mL
检测波长:450 nm
Intra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): CV%<8% Three samples of known concentration were tested twenty times on one plate to assess. Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): CV%<10% Three samples of known concentration were tested in twenty assays to assess. -
To assess the linearity of the assay, samples were spiked with high concentrations of mouse ACE in various matrices and diluted with the Sample Diluent to produce samples with values within the dynamic range of the assay. Sample Serum(n=4) 1:5 Average % 95 Range % 84-101 1:10 Average % 96 Range % 86-103 1:20 Average % 96 Range % 92-100 1:40 Average % 95 Range % 87-101 -
The recovery of mouse ACE spiked to levels throughout the range of the assay in various matrices was evaluated. Samples were diluted prior to assay as directed in the Sample Preparation section. Sample Type Average % Recovery Range Serum (n=5) 97 92-103 EDTA plasma (n=4) 92 85-98 -
These standard curves are provided for demonstration only. A standard curve should be generated for each set of samples assayed. ng/ml OD1 OD2 Average Corrected 100 2.153 2.141 2.147 1.971 50 1.542 1.596 1.569 1.393 25 1.117 1.104 1.111 0.935 12.5 0.703 0.688 0.696 0.520 6.25 0.489 0.474 0.482 0.306 3.12 0.322 0.318 0.320 0.144 1.56 0.259 0.266 0.263 0.087 0 0.172 0.180 0.176 -
货期:3-5 working days
- Potential role of angiotensin converting enzyme/neprilysin pathway and protective effects of omapatrilat for paracetamol‑induced acute liver injury ZB Aksakalli‑Magden,Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine,2022
- Possible contribution of the neprilysin/ACE pathway to sepsis in mice RA Ugan,Life Sciences,2020
稀释比:其他 1:20
产品评价: 我用CSB-E04492m分别检测了造模及治疗前后小鼠血清中ACE的水平含量,发现治疗之后小鼠血清中ACE水平下降了。第一次接触ELISA,有很多操作细节不清楚,联系了他们售后,非常耐心地一一作了解答了,帮忙处理处理数据,方便好多。
By 申老师
最新研究进展:血管紧张素转化酶(Angiotensin Converting Enzyme,ACE)是一种重要的酶类分子,具有调节血管收缩、水盐代谢、免疫反应等多种生理作用。近年来,对ACE的研究逐渐深入,以下是最新的研究进展:ACE在疾病中的作用机制得到了深入研究。例如,ACE与高血压、冠心病、肺动脉高压等疾病的关联性研究已经得到了广泛关注。研究人员发现,ACE可以调节血管紧张素的生成,进而影响血管的收缩和扩张,从而对心血管系统的功能产生影响。ACE的代谢和信号转导途径研究取得了新进展。研究人员已经发现多种ACE受体,并且探索了它们与ACE的结合机制。同时,ACE代谢途径中的关键酶类的作用机制也得到了更深入的研究。ACE在药物研发中的应用也取得了一定进展。例如,ACE抑制剂已经成为治疗高血压和心血管疾病的一类重要药物。此外,研究人员还通过对ACE的结构和功能的研究,探索了一些新型ACE抑制剂的设计和合成方法。ACE与免疫系统的关系也引起了研究人员的关注。研究发现,ACE不仅能够调节血管紧张素的生成,还能够调节多种细胞因子的生成,从而影响免疫反应的进行。
功能:Converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II by release of the terminal His-Leu, this results in an increase of the vasoconstrictor activity of angiotensin. Also able to inactivate bradykinin, a potent vasodilator. Has also a glycosidase activity which releases GPI-anchored proteins from the membrane by cleaving the mannose linkage in the GPI moiety. This GPIase activity seems to be crucial for the egg-binding ability of the sperm.
- ACE expression/phosphorylation in the bone-marrow niche interface negatively regulates G-CSF-induced signaling and hematopoietic progenitor cell mobilization. PMID: 29549541
- first evidence indicating the causation between ACE DD or B2R+9bp genotype and the increased risk for diabetic nephropathy, broadening our horizon about the role of genetic modulators in this disease. PMID: 28390948
- a small increase in angiotensin-converting enzyme activity in diabetic animals leads to greater impairment of autonomic function, as demonstrated by increased sympathetic modulation and reduced cardiac vagal modulation along with increased renal expression of Ang II. PMID: 30088535
- Resveratrol upregulated ACE2 and inhibited abdominal aortic aneurysm growth in a mouse model. PMID: 28935757
- In mice with renal injury induced by L-NAME pretreatment, renal tubular epithelial ACE is essential for renal angiotensin II accumulation and salt-sensitive hypertension PMID: 27988209
- Studied ACE role in peptide processing and for MHC class II antigen presentation; found ACE level effects efficiency of antigen presentation, and overexpression or inhibition of ACE alters the CD4(+) T-cell and antibody response. PMID: 28394320
- ACE enhances the oxidative response and bactericidal activity of neutrophils. PMID: 28515091
- this study shows that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril rescues mice from endotoxin-induced lethal hepatitis PMID: 27879415
- Smooth muscle cell-derived ACE contributes to atherosclerosis, independent of circulating ACE activity and blood pressure. PMID: 27055902
- Intestinal ACE shedding is increased by DSS-induced intestinal inflammation and parallels local corticosterone production. ACE product angiotensin II stimulates corticosterone formation in healthy intestine. PMID: 26401072
- Renin angiostensin system contributes to 20-HETE-mediated microvascular remodeling in hypertension and that 20-HETE-driven microvascular remodeling independent of blood pressure elevation does not fully rely on ACE activity in the vascular endothelium. PMID: 25924878
- angiotensin-converting enzyme has an essential role in hypertension induced by nitric oxide synthesis inhibition PMID: 25012170
- Suggest that the ACE2-ACE imbalance plays an important role in the pathogenesis of severe acute pancreatitis and that pancreatic ACE2 is an important factor in determining the severity of SAP. PMID: 24414175
- Show that tissue-specific targets are critical for the effects of miR-143/145 on smooth muscle differentiation and that angiotensin converting enzyme is one such target. PMID: 25273883
- Tissue-specific expression of transgenic secreted ACE in vasculature can restore normal kidney functions, but not blood pressure, of Ace-/- mice. PMID: 24475296
- ACE-null mice produce large numbers of myeloid-derived suppressor cells during chronic inflammation. PMID: 24614194
- Myelomonocytic expression of catalytically active ACE, prevents cognitive decline in a murine model of Alzheimer disease. PMID: 24487585
- ACE mediates angiotensin I-induced atherosclerosis, and ACE expression in leukocytes modestly contributes to atherosclerotic development in hypercholesterolemic mice. PMID: 23846498
- TEX101 is a unique specific substrate for ACE that is essential for the production of fertile mouse spermatozoa PMID: 23633567
- renal ACE activity is required to increase local Ang II, to stimulate sodium transport in loop of Henle and the distal nephron, and to induce hypertension PMID: 23619363
- deregulation of ACE and ACE2 plays an important role in tourniquet-induced renal injury PMID: 22580272
- When Ang I and CMP48/80 were co-administered, AT(1B) receptor expression was increased, MCP-4 was found surrounding the vessel wall PMID: 21622682
- shapes the MHC class I peptide repertoire for antigen presentation to T-cells PMID: 21964607
- Mature adipocytes modulate the expression profile of macrophages by releasing lipid mediators that increase ACE expression. PMID: 21116821
- results demonstrate a previous unrecognized significant role for ACE in myelopoiesis and imply new perspectives for manipulating myeloid cell expansion and maturation. PMID: 21148418
- Leptin regulates ACE activity in mice PMID: 20614101
- Angiotensin-converting enzyme overexpression in mouse myelomonocytic cells augments resistance to Listeria and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus PMID: 20937811
- A modest genetic increase in ACE impairs myocardial tolerance to ischemia. ACE level plays a critical role in cardiac ischemia, through both kinin and angiotensin mediated mechanisms. PMID: 20667972
- data provide direct evidence that small genetic disturbances in ACE levels per se have an influence on haemodynamic, cardiac mass and autonomic nervous system responses in mice under pathological perturbation PMID: 19930431
- angiotensin-converting enzyme has a role in improving autonomic dysregulation in ob/ob mice PMID: 20012594
- data suggest that the two catalytic domains of mACE do not function independently but that the signal transduction is influenced by negative cooperativity of the two catalytic domains PMID: 20030584
- There is a switch from ACE-dependent to serine protease-dependent ANG II formation in the type II diabetic kidney. PMID: 19846569
- data suggest that ACE is essential to ANG II formation in the vascular space PMID: 12003835
- urine-concentrating defect in mice with absence of tissue ACE is associated with downregulation of key urea, salt, and water transport proteins PMID: 12167603
- Chymase may play a role in heart remodeling by increasing Ang II formation and activating MMP-9, and the regulation of collagen I gene expression. PMID: 12359984
- gender differences in expression of ACE in the heart PMID: 12384478
- results demonstrated that the rodent germinal angiotensin converting enzyme is released from the testicular sperm membrane when sperm enter the epididymis PMID: 12444051
- There is no any association between angiotensin converting enzyme polymorphism and Alzheimer's disease. PMID: 12459519
- Substantial evidence is provided for a major role for angiotensin converting enzyme in a murine allergic contact dermatitis model of neurogenic infolammation. PMID: 12646655
- Expression of ACE, either in renal proximal tubules or in vasculature, is sufficient for maintaining normal kidney functions, but for maintaining blood pressure, ACE must be expressed in vascular endothelial cells. PMID: 12777443
- the presence of the C-terminal ACE catalytic domain is sufficient to maintain a functional renin-angiotensin system PMID: 14757757
- ACE is the predominant pathway of angiotensin II formation in blood and tissues of mice and plays a major role in bradykinin (1-9) metabolism in blood and, to a lesser extent, in kidney and heart. PMID: 14769811
- t-ACE contributes to arterial structure/remodeling & hyperplastic carotid inward remodeling from blood flow cessation. It is not needed for outward hypertrophic & subsequent inward hypotrophic remodeling of the uterine artery during/after pregnancy. PMID: 15031129
- Aldosterone upregulated macrophage ACE mRNA expression and activity. The selective effect of aldosterone on tissue ACE, versus circulating ACE, further demonstrates differences in the regulation pathways of tissue and circulating ACE. PMID: 15123520
- ACE Tyr phosphorylation, probably in the endoplasmic reticulum, enhances the rate of its cleavage secretion at the plasma membrane using a regulatory pathway that may involve p38 MAP kinase PMID: 15252021
- Mice with cardiac-restricted angiotensin-converting enzyme have atrial enlargement, cardiac arrhythmia, and sudden death. PMID: 15331425
- Ptn has the potential to critically regulate the downstream activities of angiotensin II, through the regulation of its synthesis by ACE and its receptor mediated functions through regulation of both the AT1 and AT2 receptors PMID: 15485659
- renal tissue angiotensin converting enzyme is an important contributor to tubuloglomerular feedback PMID: 15494545
- ACE is associated with body weight and peri-epididymal fat accumulation PMID: 15522949
- ACE signaling may underlie the increase in COX-2 and prostacyclin levels in patients treated with ACE inhibitors. PMID: 15569856
亚细胞定位:[Angiotensin-converting enzyme, soluble form]: Secreted.; Cell membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Cytoplasm. Note=Detected in both cell membrane and cytoplasm in neurons.
蛋白家族:Peptidase M2 family
组织特异性:Testis-specific isoform is expressed in spermatocytes, adult testis.