Mouse Glypican-3(GPC-3)ELISA Kit
产品描述:CUSABIO小鼠磷脂酰肌醇蛋白聚糖3(GPC-3)酶联免疫检测试剂盒(货号CSB-E15877m),基于双抗体夹心法原理设计,可对血清、血浆及细胞培养上清液样本中的GPC-3进行定量分析。GPC-3是一种细胞膜相关蛋白聚糖,在肝癌等肿瘤发生发展中具有重要调控作用,是肿瘤微环境研究和分子机制探索的重要靶点。该试剂盒检测灵敏度覆盖3.12 ng/mL至200 ng/mL的浓度范围,预包被特异性捕获抗体的96孔板与优化配比的HRP标记检测抗体协同作用,结合标准化的显色反应体系,确保实验结果的稳定性和可重复性。适用于小鼠模型中的GPC-3表达水平监测、肿瘤相关信号通路研究以及体外药物干预效果评估等科研场景。试剂盒包含预包被板、标准品、检测抗体、底物溶液等完整组分,操作流程可在4.5小时内完成,为肝脏疾病机制研究及生物标志物筛选提供高效工具。
别名:Gpc3 ELISA Kit; Glypican-3 [Cleaved into: Glypican-3 alpha subunit; Glypican-3 beta subunit] ELISA Kit
Uniprot No.:
种属:Mus musculus (Mouse)
样本类型:serum, plasma, cell culture supernates
检测范围:3.12 ng/mL-200 ng/mL
灵敏度:0.78 ng/mL
检测波长:450 nm
研究领域:Signal Transduction
Intra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): CV%<8% Three samples of known concentration were tested twenty times on one plate to assess. Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): CV%<10% Three samples of known concentration were tested in twenty assays to assess. -
To assess the linearity of the assay, samples were spiked with high concentrations of mouse GPC-3 in various matrices and diluted with the Sample Diluent to produce samples with values within the dynamic range of the assay. Sample Serum(n=4) 1:1 Average % 92 Range % 84-95 1:2 Average % 94 Range % 84-98 1:4 Average % 94 Range % 85-97 1:8 Average % 90 Range % 84-94 -
The recovery of mouse GPC-3 spiked to levels throughout the range of the assay in various matrices was evaluated. Samples were diluted prior to assay as directed in the Sample Preparation section. Sample Type Average % Recovery Range Serum (n=5) 99 91-103 EDTA plasma (n=4) 95 90-99 -
These standard curves are provided for demonstration only. A standard curve should be generated for each set of samples assayed. ng/ml OD1 OD2 Average Corrected 200 2.173 2.202 2.188 2.050 100 1.648 1.683 1.666 1.528 50 0.936 0.911 0.924 0.786 25 0.549 0.540 0.545 0.407 12.5 0.301 0.323 0.312 0.174 6.25 0.245 0.251 0.248 0.110 3.12 0.178 0.181 0.180 0.042 0 0.137 0.139 0.138 -
货期:3-5 working days
功能:Cell surface proteoglycan that bears heparan sulfate. Negatively regulates the hedgehog signaling pathway when attached via the GPI-anchor to the cell surface by competing with the hedgehog receptor PTC1 for binding to hedgehog proteins. Binding to the hedgehog protein SHH triggers internalization of the complex by endocytosis and its subsequent lysosomal degradation. Positively regulates the canonical Wnt signaling pathway by binding to the Wnt receptor Frizzled and stimulating the binding of the Frizzled receptor to Wnt ligands. Positively regulates the non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway. Binds to CD81 which decreases the availability of free CD81 for binding to the transcriptional repressor HHEX, resulting in nuclear translocation of HHEX and transcriptional repression. Inhibits the dipeptidyl peptidase activity of DPP4. Plays a role in limb patterning and skeletal development by controlling the cellular response to BMP4. Modulates the effects of growth factors BMP2, BMP7 and FGF7 on renal branching morphogenesis. Required for coronary vascular development. Plays a role in regulating cell movements during gastrulation.
- Coupling of pGPC3 to liposomes was essential for effective priming of GPC3-specific CTLs. PMID: 26616051
- The expression of GPC-3 was altered by DEN treatment. PMID: 24377529
- Finding represents a rare four layer genomic overlap consisting of growth associated quantitative trait locus (QTL), body mass associated Gpc3 gene, highly conserved miRNA gene and mature miRNA seed SNP identified in the lean mouse. PMID: 21152117
- Hepatocyte overexpression of GPC3 suppresses hepatocyte proliferation and liver regeneration and alters gene expression profiles. PMID: 20812357
- glypican-3 is involved in the recruitment of M2-polarized tumor-associated macrophages in hepatocellular carcinoma PMID: 19838081
- GPC3 inhibits the PI3K/Akt anti-apoptotic pathway while it stimulates the p38MAPK stress-activated one in murine mammary adenocarcinoma LM3 cells PMID: 19288189
- Gpc3 function in development of Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome is IGF-independent PMID: 11846487
- GPC3 knockout mice exhibit alterations in the Wnt signaling pathway, which is also associated with the regulation of cell proliferation PMID: 15537637
- Polymorphisms in the 3' untranslated region of Gpc3 are strong candidates for the causal sequence variation and loss-of-function mutations can cause overgrowth and developmental abnormalities. PMID: 15799711
- Altered hematopoiesis in glypican-3-deficient mice results in decreased osteoclast differentiation and a delay in endochondral ossification. PMID: 15936336
- Zhx2 acts as a repressor of Gpc3 in the adult liver. Gpc3 is activated in the regenerating liver in an Afr2-dependent manner. PMID: 17668883
- A novel glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol (GPI)-linked proteoglycan, Glypican3 (GPC3, binding to GLUT4 was identified. PMID: 18343214
- Glypican-3 regulates migration, adhesion and actin cytoskeleton organization in mammary tumor cells through Wnt signaling modulation. PMID: 18404367
- GPC3 acts as a negative regulator of Hedgehog signaling during mammalian development. PMID: 18477453
- The heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) glypican-3 mediates commitment of MC3T3-E1 cells toward osteogenesis. PMID: 19479939
- The Gpc3-null mice show increased levels of Ihh protein and signalling, but similar levels of Ihh messenger RNA. PMID: 19590577
- Data show that glypican-3-deficient mice display a high incidence of congenital cardiac malformations like ventricular septal defects, common atrioventricular canal and double outlet right ventricle. PMID: 19733558
亚细胞定位:Cell membrane; Lipid-anchor, GPI-anchor; Extracellular side.
蛋白家族:Glypican family
组织特异性:In the developing limb, absent from the apical epidermal ridge at 11 dpc but highly expressed in the underlying mesenchyme. Expression in the mesenchyme at this stage is asymmetric with highest levels in the regions of the distal mesenchyme within the pro